The Inspired Cleanse

A diet reset to boost your metabolism, cleanse your body, and inspire healthy eating habits.

Embark on Your Journey to Renewal

It all starts with the diet. But, with all the conflicting advice on this topic out there, it is overwhelming for many to figure out the best way forward.

I invite you to join me on this path to revitalizing your body and spirit. Designed specifically for those seeking a harmonious balance in their health and lifestyle, this cleanse is more than just a detox; it's a step towards a more vibrant you.

This unique cleanse is a carefully curated program that blends modern nutrition with ancient wisdom. Over ten days, you'll experience a gentle yet powerful detoxification, guided by principles of Ayurvedic Medicine and holistic nutrition. It's not just about what you remove from your diet; it's about nourishing your body and soul with the right elements.

Benefits of the cleanse

  • Enhanced fertility and hormonal balance

  • Improved digestion and gut health

  • Boosted energy and vitality

  • Reduction in stress and an increase in mental clarity

  • A deeper connection with your body

The Inspired Cleanse course includes

  • Cleanse orientation videos

  • Digital download of the Cleanse Manual with information on how and why to cleanse, recipes, menu plans, shopping lists, PLUS cleanse-approved restaurant items, and convenience foods for a busy lifestyle.

  • Access to our private Facebook group for discussion

  • Daily emails through the entire 10 days to keep you inspired and on track

Would you like to participate in our group, in-person version of the cleanse?

We offer this twice a year, during the Spring and Fall at our clinic in Louisville, KY!