Shelby VanCleve Shelby VanCleve

The Heart Talk

The Heart Talk is a communication tool that fosters empathy, intimacy, and trust within couples, families, and groups. This process, inspired by the indigenous “talking stick” tradition, promotes honest and vulnerable dialogue among individuals.

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Shelby VanCleve Shelby VanCleve

What are Classical Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine?

Classical Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is a comprehensive, highly sophisticated, stand-alone practice using all 68 acupuncture channels in their entirety. It differs from modern acupuncture in that modern acupuncture focuses on only12 channels and emphasizes point functions.

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Carolyn Cuykendall Carolyn Cuykendall

Acupuncture For Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are the most common illnesses in the United States–and it’s rising every day–affecting 40 million adults or 18.1% of the population every year. It can manifest in different ways, making treatment more difficult. Acupuncture for anxiety works by stimulating the muscles and organs that regulate hormonal balances boosting the body’s natural responses to the external stressors that can cause and complicate anxiety disorders…

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Shelby VanCleve Shelby VanCleve

Acupuncture Benefits for Depression

Depression affects over 300 million people around the world, and 16.2 million Americans experienced a severe episode in the past year. Depression is linked to a number of health conditions including inflammation, hormonal imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, gut health issues, and more. Using Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, depression can be treated effectively…

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Shelby VanCleve Shelby VanCleve

Can Acupuncture Treat Insomnia?

One in four Americans experiences insomnia every year. For such a common complaint, it can be difficult to find lasting relief. Studies show, and our experience supports, that acupuncture can treat insomnia effectively…

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Shelby VanCleve Shelby VanCleve

Acupuncture Benefits for Back Pain

Back pain is the third most common reason for a visit to the doctor, often causes people to miss work, and is the leading cause of disability worldwide. The causes of back pain vary widely, from accident and injury, to age related issues, to lack of movement, to overuse – all of which acupuncture can help to treat…

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Shelby VanCleve Shelby VanCleve

Acupuncture for TMJ Disorder

TMJ disorders (TMJD) cause pain in your jaw joint and in the muscles that control jaw movement. There are a variety of treatments for TMJ disorders, including medications, surgeries, relaxation techniques, and more. Acupuncture for TMJ disorder has been found to be effective for relieving inflammation, pain, and tension…

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Shelby VanCleve Shelby VanCleve

Pain Relief with Acupuncture

Most people experience significant pain at some time in their lives – whether from an injury, illness, or an unknown cause. Pain is a warning signal: your body trying to tell you that something is wrong and out of balance. Often times, people suffering from pain take medication to dull the pain – understandable when pain is constant and unbearable. It may be helpful to dull the symptoms for a short period of time, but it will not get at the root of the problem and correct it. It is like hitting the snooze button on an alarm. Unless the cause of the pain is treated, your body will keep sounding the alarm and reminding you that something is wrong…

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Shelby VanCleve Shelby VanCleve

Treating Headaches with Acupuncture

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine offer a safe and effective approach to relieving headache pain, without harmful side effects. The comprehensive diagnostic protocol used for thousands of years in Chinese Medicine allows your acupuncturist understand and address the root cause(s) of your headaches…

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Shelby VanCleve Shelby VanCleve

Benefits of Acupuncture for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a long-term gastrointestinal disorder that affects the small intestines. It affects 6-18% of people around the world and can often be a challenge to treat. A patient’s symptoms and triggers may vary, and medications might not provide relief for everyone affected by IBS. When IBS becomes more severe, medication and alternative treatments may be necessary. A common treatment is acupuncture for IBS…

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Shelby VanCleve Shelby VanCleve

Acupuncture Benefits for Rheumatoid Arthritis

In the United States, roughly 1.5 million Americans suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), an autoimmune disease that attacks the body’s joints resulting in redness, inflammation, and sometimes severe pain. The immune system mistakenly attacks the tissues between the joints as it would a foreign substance like a bacteria or virus…

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Shelby VanCleve Shelby VanCleve

Acupuncture Treatment for Allergies

Sniffling, sneezing, stuffy nose, watery eyes…seasonal allergies are a common condition plaguing millions of people every year. Seasonal allergic rhinitis is usually a result of hypersensitivity to airborne particles like pollen and mold. Acupuncture for allergies offers a natural approach that often helps the person reduce or eliminate the need for medicine…

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Shelby VanCleve Shelby VanCleve

Acupuncture’s Role Cancer Treatment

Neuroscience research suggests that acupuncture works by modifying the nervous system through stimulation of specific points throughout the body. The placement of the needles helps release neurotransmitters like endorphins and serotonin which relieve pain and stimulate feelings of well-being. Clinical trial-generated evidence has shown that acupuncture is safe and effective as an adjunctive treatment for managing cancer-related symptoms…

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Shelby VanCleve Shelby VanCleve

Stress Relief with Acupuncture

Stress is a natural response of the body to various demands we place upon it. In ancient times, our stress response, also known as our fight or flight response, provided us with energy to preserve life during difficult situations, such as an attack or threat by a wild animal. Unfortunately, modern-day stress is considerably higher than what our predecessors experienced…

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Shelby VanCleve Shelby VanCleve

Benefits of Acupuncture Treatment for Endometriosis

Acupuncture treatment has many benefits to health, wellness, and even disease. Among these are the benefits of acupuncture treatment for endometriosis sufferers. Affecting millions of women worldwide, and 1 out of 10 women in the United States, endometriosis symptoms can impact the quality of life in every arena from school, to work and home life…

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Shelby VanCleve Shelby VanCleve

Recommended Books on Fertility

Exploring the best Fertility books: we’ve compiled a reading list to help you navigate your journey in trying to conceive. These books will help you navigate infertility with stories of others who have been in your shoes. You’ll get insights on diet choices that boost fertility, how to navigate fertility issues caused by PCOS, and ways to tend to your spiritual and mental health during your fertility journey…

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Shelby VanCleve Shelby VanCleve

What are the Side Effects of Acupuncture?

After receiving a treatment, you may experience a few side effects of acupuncture. These side effects are minor but knowing what to expect may ease some anxiety before your first treatment. Side effects may include…

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Shelby VanCleve Shelby VanCleve

How Many Acupuncture Treatments Do You Need?

New patients often ask, how many acupuncture treatments do they need to find relief for their condition? How many acupuncture treatments you need will vary depending on the length of time you’ve experienced the symptoms you are treating and the severity of those symptoms…

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