Nourish the Fertile Soul

Learn the art of self-care and create a nurturing space to call in your child

Your body is the vessel that your baby will call home.

You want that vessel to be calm, soft, and nourishing.

Are you striving, yearning, doing ‘all the things’ to get pregnant? Think about the tightness, tension, and stress that creates in your body. Would you want to live there?

Nourish the Fertile Soul will teach you how to transform your body into a safe haven, a respite, for your future child. Learn how to care for yourself on a deep level. And in the meantime, you will reflect to your spirit baby what is in store for them once they choose to drop in.

The bundle includes three modules:

Self-care: This module focuses on the importance of self-care, especially in relation to fertility. It covers a variety of topics such as the significance of a daily routine, the use of a worry journal, intentional bathing, and the importance of an evening wind-down routine. The course also explores activities like gratitude practice, connecting with nature, creating fertility altars or vision boards, and reading inspiring books. Additionally, it discusses the benefits of creative endeavors, tea time, and the use of tarot or oracle cards. The course aims to provide comprehensive strategies for nurturing oneself both physically and mentally.

Movement: Here we explore how specific types of exercise can support fertility. We emphasize low-impact, moderate exercises like walking, biking, yoga, and Pilates. The course explains how high-intensity workouts might negatively impact fertility by triggering stress responses. It offers practical advice on walking, cycling, and yoga poses beneficial for fertility and includes information on other exercise forms like Pilates and Barre. The course aims to provide fertility-friendly exercise routines, encouraging consistent, mindful movement tailored to individual needs and fertility goals. BONUS yoga video with all the best fertility-enhancing poses.

Meditation: let’s explore the benefits of meditation for fertility and overall well-being. We will start by addressing common challenges in practicing meditation and emphasize the importance of a relaxed approach. The course covers various benefits of meditation, like stress management, increasing self-awareness, and improving sleep quality. It introduces different types and styles of meditation, including mindfulness, guided meditation, mantra, and yoga Nidra. The course also offers practical tips for creating a meditation habit and recommends resources for guided meditation. The aim is to make meditation accessible and beneficial for everyone, especially those on a fertility journey.