Seasonal Workshops

Spring 2024 Cleanse Dates:

Cleanse Orientation Meeting

Sunday March 3rd 1-3p at Common Ground Wellness

Cleanse Run Dates

March 11-20th

Inspired 10-Day Cleanse

Bi-annual offering during the Spring and Fall Equinoxes

What should I be eating? What should I not be eating? How can I use food and lifestyle choices to feel better? All this is overwhelming… how do I know what is most important?

All these questions and more will be addressed at our Cleanse Orientation workshop. The orientation will be offered on a Sunday from 1-3 pm at Common Ground Wellness. During this 2-hour meeting, you will get to taste test recipes and learn all the nuts and bolts of the 10-day cleanse, as well as meet your fellow cleansers.

This cleanse is NOT about starving, eating weird and unusual things, or following an all-liquid diet. It IS about learning how to use food to feel better, changing daily habits that will truly affect long-term health, and jump-starting your system to increase metabolism.

I suggest you give yourself a full week to plan, get organized, and purge your kitchen of those unhealthy foods. This is why we hold the cleanse meeting a full week before the actual cleanse starts. At that point, you will be ready for ten days of delicious food, new lifestyle habits, and better mood and energy. Yes, of course, it will be challenging. But the rewards are limitless!

Cleanse Package Includes:

  • Digital copy of the fully updated for 2023 Cleanse Manual with information on how and why to cleanse, recipes, menu plans, shopping lists, PLUS cleanse approved restaurant items and convenience foods for a busy lifestyle. Hard copies will be available for an additional $40

  • In-person cleanse meeting Sunday from 1-3p

  • Access to our private Facebook group for discussion

  • Daily emails through the entire 10 days to keep you inspired and on track

Course registration can be found HERE

New Cleanser $220

Repeat Cleanser $110

Can’t attend in person or want to get started right away?

Try our Inspired Cleanse online course!

The Inspired Cleanse
One time

A diet reset to boost your metabolism, cleanse your body, and inspire healthy eating habits.

✓ Cleanse Orientation
✓ Digital Cleanse Manual with recipes
✓ Daily emails for the 10 day journey