How Many Acupuncture Treatments Do You Need?

New patients often ask, how many acupuncture sessions do they need to find relief for their condition?  How many acupuncture treatments you need will vary depending on the length of time you’ve experienced the symptoms you are treating and the severity of those symptoms.  People who experience a chronic condition such as pain or migraines may require more treatments; whereas, acute conditions may only require a few acupuncture treatments to find relief.


We will evaluate and discuss how many acupuncture treatments are needed for your individual needs

During your first acupuncture treatment, our Common Ground Wellness practitioner will discuss your symptoms and experiences.  Once we’ve evaluated your complaints, we’ll work with you to discuss an acupuncture treatment plan that will outline our recommendations to achieve your goals.  We will customize your care plan, and how many acupuncture treatments you need based on what we discuss during this first visit.

How many acupuncture treatments are typically recommended?

In general, at Common Ground Wellness Louisville Acupuncture Clinic, we ask that you commit to 6 treatments before we reevaluate your results.  Depending on your situation, some patients respond favorably after only a few acupuncture treatments.  For more severe pain and ailments, some people may need as many as 9 acupuncture treatments to see results.


What are the Side Effects of Acupuncture?


Is Acupuncture Painful?